Internally moving an injection moulding machine

Can Lifthing internally move an injection moulding machine? Our client needed to move an extremely heavy Stork injection moulding machine internally on his site but could not do that himself. He brought that question to us. We were able to answer that question in the positive and even could get to work right away. Using a wheel set which we placed underneath the machine, we rolled the different components to the new location and installed them again in place.

Would you like to know more about the project to internally move an injection moulding machine?

Make sure to contact us. We like to give you all necessary information about this project and about our industrial moves. You will be glad to know that the Lifthing’s material is always up-to-date. Find some more reasons here why you should involve Lifthing.

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sectorSECTOR: Industry
regioREGION: Belgium, Izegem
gewichtWEIGHT: 44,5 ton
tijdstipEXECUTED: 2017

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