Positioning of transformers in a technical room

Our client posed the question if we were able to position transformers in a technical room. There were four of them and they were very heavy. Each transformer weighed 11 tonnes. The technical room that was their destination was fairly small and had little room to manoeuvre. It certainly was impossible to get the transformers inside using a forklift.

How did we manage to do this then?

We rolled the transformers inside using rails, caterpillars and steel baffles and hoisted them. As soon as the transformers were in place, we jacked them up, removed the rails and made sure they were positioned correctly.

Questions about the positioning of transformers in a technical room?

Please contact us. We like to give you additional information about this project and about our industrial moves, assembly and manipulation, and machine transport..

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sectorSECTOR: Installation company
regioREGION: Belgium, Desteldonk
gewichtWEIGHT: 11 ton/piece
tijdstipEXECUTED: 2017

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