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Installation of air handling units using a balance beam and ICEM

About 120 air handling units were installed and assembled in the new hospital in Roeselare.

The various parts had to be brought in through openings in the facade. To do this, we worked with a balance beam and a mini forklift inside, which allowed us to carry out the manipulation smoothly and safely.

Hoisting and lifting work in confined spaces

We often have to deal with a very limited work space for the placement of all kinds of devices. While the devices can easily weigh up to 2 tonnes.

The right equipment to perform this type of work is therefore very important in our sector.

Manipulation of devices in a restricted setting.

The right people with the right equipment in the right place at Lifthing!

More info? Have a look at our activities:
industrial relocations, machine transport, assembly and manipulation, machine moving and transport by loading crane.

Click on the images for a larger view

sectorSECTOR: Installation company HVAC
regioREGION: Belgium, Roeselare
gewichtWEIGHT: Maximum 2 ton
tijdstipEXECUTED: 2018

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