Installation of production line

A new production line was installed in the production environment of a company in Ghent. Lifthing performed both the mechanical and electrical installation with the required degree of precision.

The production line was custom-designed by a specialised company. All components were delivered separately and installed by Lifthing. This ranged from robots, to electrical cabinets, to the fencing and accompanying sensors.

Timing, timing, timing

Planning was crucial for this job. Current production needed to be disrupted as little as possible. A tight schedule was drawn up and maintained in consultation with the client and project management.

Installing your production line with Lifthing?

Placing and installing all kinds of production lines are among Lifthing’s core activities.

More info? Have a look at our activities:
industrial relocations, machine transport, assembly and manipulation, machine moving and transport by crane truck.

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sectorSECTOR: Industry
regioREGIO: Belgium, Ghent
gewichtWEIGHT: 5 ton
tijdstipEXECUTED: 2017

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