Rigging cooling tower

At an industrial site, a cooling tower was in urgent need of a revision. Before that could be done, first had to execute some rigging work. What exactly does the rigging of a cooling tower entail? We removed some components with a telescopic crane. Then those parts received the necessary maintenance. After the maintenance was completed, we reassembled the cooling tower.

Do you have any questions about the rigging of a cooling tower?

Make sure to us. We gladly answer all of your questions quickly and efficiently about assembly and manipulation. Can we also be of assistance with an industrial move? Make sure to let us know. Here are a number of reasons why it is good to get involved with Lifthing.

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sectorSECTOR: Industry
regioREGION: Belgium, Olen
gewichtWEIGHT: Maximum 3 ton
tijdstipEXECUTED: 2016

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